Course Category: Free
Conversaciones con Latina América + El Caribe
Esta series de conversaciones explorar proyectos politicos y sus estrategias para ganar poder en Latina America y el Caribe. Para esta series estuvimos en conversación…
Feminismo comunitario, or communitarian feminism, is a movement that emerged from Bolivian indigenous communities and the group Mujeres Creando Com…
Un Verano Sin El Estado Workshops/ Talleres
Un Verano Sin El Estado Workshops It’s time to get curious about what kind of cooperativas, comunes, y comunidades we can build and sustain when…
New Member Orientation
The Erotic is Power
Tantra means weaving together. This 101 workshop weaves together some of the concepts found within Audre Lorde’s essay, “Uses of the Erotic” with basic tantric…
Tech Wars
Building the force against surveillance and policing in the digital world.
A #NoTechForICE Saga
Como Chingar a La Migra
Mijente and grassroots local organizations spearheaded a multi-city organizing tour and web series in summer 2018, titled “Chinga La Migra”. Follow our journey to learn…